Privacy Policy

Who we are.

We are Brand Solutions.
A hip young company that helps you on your way to a better digital future.

Do you have questions about our operation or the processing of your data?
Please contact us using the following information.

Company name: Brand Solutions Europe BV.
Company number: BE 0597.921.559
Branch address: Dr. Verdurmenstraat 1, 9100 Sint-Niklaas, Belgium

Phone number: +32 496 86 97 85
Email address:


You can find a complete overview of the cookies used on this site in our cookie policy.
The cookies you can find with us are necessary for the operation of the site and are also used for marketing purposes.

What data do we collect?

All information entered in contact forms are maintained in our database.
This data is collected to contact a visitor at their request.

Contact form Contact

Furthermore, we also collect anonymized visitor data.
This data is used for statistical and marketing purposes, as well as for the security of our website and databases.

With whom do we share your data?

All personal data collected on our website from our contact forms are validated using Google reCAPTCHA V3. ReCAPTCHA V3 helps us avoid spam messages from malicious parties. We also collect anonymized statistical data about visitors that is shared with both Google and Meta to track our marketing campaigns.

More information about Google’s privacy policy can be found at the links below:
Google – Privacy Policy
Google – Terms of service

More information about Meta’s data processing and privacy policies can be found at the links below:
Meta – Cookie Policy
Meta – Pixel GDPR

More information regarding cookies can also be found in our cookie policy.

How long do we keep your data?

The personal data we collect through our contact forms are deleted from our web server after 1 year. We take regular backups of our website and databases. These backups are collected for a period of 6 months.

If desired, users may contact us, using the contact information provided in the “Who are we?” segment, to have their personal data deleted early.

Anonymized data collected for statistical purposes are summarized annually in an annual report and are deleted from our web server after 5 years.

What rights do you have as a user?

1. Right to view/access
Every user and visitor whose data we collect has the right to request access to and view their information. It may also view how its data is processed.

2. Right to rectification
The user always has the right to have certain personal data corrected, completed or deleted after inspection.

3. Right to be forgotten
The user has the right to be completely erased from all systems and databases.

4. Right to file a complaint
The user always has the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commission when he or she believes that personal data is collected and processed in an unlawful manner.

5. Right to withdraw consent
Any user or visitor whose personal data is collected has the right to oppose the processing of that data.

6. Right to restrict processing
The data subject has the right to (temporarily) restrict the processing of his personal data.

7. Right to transferability
The data subject has the right to transfer their personal data to another controller.

8. Right to oppose decisions based on automated processing
The user has the right to have automatic profiling deactivated.

What rights do we retain over your data?

We reserve the right to use any personal data collected through our contact forms to contact the customer by phone or e-mail regarding a contact request, quotation or job application.

We reserve the right to collect anonymized visitation figures and statistics and summarize them in an annual report.
In this annual report, no identifying information is kept on the visitor.

If the user agrees to our cookie policy, we reserve the right to use the anonymized data for marketing purposes.

Where do we keep your data?

All the personal data we collect through our contact forms are kept on cloud hosting with Combell. Backups of the website and databases are also collected on a local server at our facility.

Anonymized visitor data is maintained at Combell, Google and Meta.

Date of last update to this document: 12/08/2022
Version: 1.00

