Visual storytelling: Make your social media shine

5 June 2024 ● 5 min. read

What is visual storytelling?

Visual storytelling is a concept that many think they know, but few seem to do. It goes far beyond sharing image or videos on social media. It’s all about telling a story using visual elements. When you try to tell a story the goal is to evoke emotions and make a connection with the viewer, this way you try to take them on a journey that engages them with your brand.

Visual storytelling is the use of images, videos and other visual elements to tell a story that resonates with your target audience. Instead of just sharing factual information, it’s about evoking emotions, making a connection and engaging your audience with your brand on a deeper level.

By applying it, you can create an immersive experience for your audience. You can inspire, inform, entertain or even prompt them to action. Whether sharing a team lunch video, showing one of your products in action or telling customer stories, visual storytelling allows you to present your brand in a unique way that leaves an impact.

You must remember, though, that it’s not just about making beautiful images. It’s more important to tell a story that resonates with your target audience than it is to create a Hollywood production. He is all about finding the right balance between form and content, where the visual actually reinforces and supports the message

The importance of a good story

One of my most memorable examples of a powerful story that moved people is Dove’s Real Beauty campaign.
This campaign has revolutionized the way beauty is seen and presented in the media.

For the “Real Beauty” campaign, people were constantly exposed to unrealistic ideals of beauty promoted by major corporations through eye-catching ads and perfect models. These models, with their slim bodies and perfect faces, represented only a small segment of society, but were presented as if it were the norm.

Dove decided to go against this trend. Instead of choosing traditional models, Dove chose to use real women in their campaigns. These women were not perfect, but they were real. It could have been your mother, daughter or sister – ordinary people who did not look like models, but who possessed their own unique beauty.

Women from the real beauty photo shoot of the company "dove". Visual storytelling

The impact of the campaign went beyond simply selling products. It set off a whole movement and inspired other brands to follow suit. Since then, more and more companies have chosen to embrace diversity and inclusion in their marketing campaigns, showing real people rather than idealized versions of beauty.

Besides the social aspect of the campaign, it was also one of the most profitable marketing campaigns ever. In the first ten years of the campaign, Dove’s sales have jumped from 2.5 billion to 4 billion. This proves that a good story will push people toward purchasing your products and services.

Examples of our

Let’s look at some examples of how visual storytelling can be applied:

Valerie’s tour of the office

Imagine you are Valerie, an enthusiastic employee of Brand Solutions. Instead of just talking about the company culture, share a video in which Valerie gives a tour of the office. Show what it’s really like in the workplace, including spontaneous conversations, smiling faces and the creative energy at the heart of your business.

Seppe’s cappuccino surprise

Another example is Seppe, who decides to make cappuccinos for all employees as a reward for their hard work. As he captures this moment on video, he not only shares a fun and personal experience, but also shows how much the company values valuing its employees. This type of content creates a sense of connection and loyalty among your team, which translates to a positive image for your brand.

Getting started!

I hope that after reading this blog post, you will have a better understanding of just what visual storytelling is. It is more than just sharing pretty pictures on social media; it is a powerful tool to tell your brand story and make a deep connection with your audience.
If you are still unsure about how to get started with this correctly, we at Brand Solutions are here to help! Please feel free to contact us today, we would love to help you bring your story to life and let your brand shine!

In short

Discover how visual storytelling can make your brand shine on social media! Learn how to evoke emotions, build rapport with your audience and reinforce your brand identity.

